Vladi LOOOVEss to knead, fleece and

(Uschi - "oh no, mom is smiling at me...")
Lesley puts Vladi with Uschi,...
Bengal Cat Brothers
Real Mouse Boyz Counter
Tanjiro 12
Uschi-Swirl 12
Vladimir 11
Unknown 15
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Tanjiro, Uschi-Swirl & Vladimir
How cute can a kitten be? I think that blue really makes Vladi's color stand out. My Kinny kneads and will bury his nose in the blanket at the same time. It's is bed time routine. He sends himself into a trance and will sometimes fall over asleep.
I took your idea and run a little water in the tub for my Bengals. They love it. It's now their favorite drinking and playing spot. Tessa was already jumping in and out of the shower with me and Kinny was always on the edge of the tub.
Bengals are awesome!!
Kinny, Tessa and Abby
Man what I wouldn't do to have Moe sit in my lap. The closest he ever gets is squished in beside me in the big chair and that is a very rare event.
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