Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tanji On High Alert

On the day of the royal wedding, T, U, V's mom Skye gave birth to eight (!) kittens. Half-brothers & sisters of our boys, and a few of the kittens even have spots shaped just like Tanji's. In case Les wasn't squealing enough already, the boys' Aunt Kelli posted photos of rescue kittens up for adoption at the Cheetahsden website. More squealing. This attracted Tanji's attention. He may remember similar noises from back in 2007 when little brother Vladimir was born.

Don't even think about it, Mom!

Don't worry Tanji, we can barely handle you three.

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Bengal Lady said...

What? No T, U, V "W"? I named one Warrier Princess, so you could finish the alphabet. Hahaha!!

But seriously. The little rescues. If you hear of anyone wanting to add a sweet baby to their family, these kittens are just precious and would love a home. They'll be in the PNW in June, so delivery is not a problem.

mcat said...

It's a good thing Cheetahsden is farther away from Les ! ANd it was fun looking back thru the babies and spotting your trio.