with a graceful stride.
After a short sprint his muscles begin
to fill with lactic acid.

Bengal Cat Brothers
Real Mouse Boyz Counter
Tanjiro 12
Uschi-Swirl 12
Vladimir 11
Unknown 15
Lavs 13
Lesley 6
All posts to this blog are
Copyrighted © 2006
Tanjiro, Uschi-Swirl & Vladimir
I have just spend quite some time looking and reading about your boys. They are magnnificent cats. The beauty of the photograghy is great and it really enhances their special beauty. I really enjoyed reading about Tanjiro and Uschi.
Hi! We just read a bunch of posts (we saw you on Chase's introduction!) and really enjoy the posts and the photos! What beautiful kitties you are Tanj & Uschi. You look like you must keep your mommy with all that running, walking and exercise video fun (that was funny. i did that with our video shelf and my mommy was not happy...). mommy is saving to buy a nice canon power shot camera so hopefully the photos she takes of me will turn out half as good as yours!
It is nice meeting you both and hopefully you'll stop and visit me.
WOW! what gorgeous kitties you two are! it's very nice to meet you.
I can tell Tanji is very very fast! And it looks like you live somewhere with lots of room to run.
Hi, Tanjiro and Uschi. I found your URL at both Chase's and Skeezix's and thought I would drop by. You look like a miniature cheetah in your running pictures.
Wow Tanji looks like a cheetah running out there. They look huge. How big are these cats?
You guys are incredible!!! You look like real wild cats outside. You are so lucky to go outside and explore. We don't get out too much but we don't have nice green grass like you guys have!
Yes the boys are pretty luck to get to go outside on supervised trips. They are fortunate to have a large (10acre) fenced "yard" to build up speed in. Of course we all live in a one room house.
Wow, you look just like a real live wild poodin! Especially in that first photo!
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