Friday, March 23, 2007

Uschi Pickles

The other day Uschi attacked the "kick-pickle" and went to town. The pictures came out kind of strange. For some reason he looks like a little tiny kitten, the only thing I can come up with is that I was using a 28mm lens and was about 3ft away, so maybe there was some "strange" optical illusions happening.

I want that,...


kick, kick, kick

get back here,...

mmmmmm, kick-pickle

Uschi digs in, but soon

the "original kick-pickler" arrived

dug in,

and got a good chew going.

Hey, that was my kick-pickle.

Daaad, would you pleeeease
get the pickle back for me?

Thanks Dad.


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Anonymous said...

We've never heard of a kick pickle!!! Looks like lots of fun!

danielle said...

Hello to the beautiful bengals! I found your site through another and I must say you two are absolutely beautiful. I want as some point in my life to be owned by a bengal of two. I have a site at I also have Jakes world and Spots spot (those are in the link section. If you ever want to take a gander. I will be coming back very often. I amvery happy to have found you. I will be putting you link on my site if that is ok. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

Tanj,Uschi&Vladi said...

"kick-pickle" is just something I made up. It is a bunch of old socks inside another sock. The boys have loved it right from the beginning.

Danielle, Thanks so much for visiting, I'm glad you found us, we are having a ball being Bengalized.

MaoMao said...

Kickpickle! Kickpickle! I love that wurd. And wowie, I want one -- I'll have to get my momma and daddy to find one somewheres sos I can kick it and play with it.

You guys are bee-yootiful kitties!

a fluffy feline friend said...

Hi there! I just read about you guys on Chase's blog. Wanted to come by and say hello.

Daisy said...

I want a kick-pickle too! I need to practice my bunny-kicks.