These are pictures from 2007 that never got published,...

He was so fast, explosive and focused,...
He literally leapt completely over top of the
three foot high and six foot wide bushes,...
and took a bird right out of the air,...
then crashed into the side of the house.
It was amazing,...

Lesley got a hold of him,...
and he dropped the bird,...
Amazingly, as soon as he released it,...
it flew right away apparently uninjured.


(what a squirmy stick-spot)
On our hundreds of walks, with
birds all around, Tanji has only
gone after birds a few times,...
Great shots of the spotted hunter in action. any idea what that rufous headed bird is ? not enuf to i.d.
max cat
We tried to ID the bird, but haven't been successful. We think it is a juvenile,... Does anyone know?
Wow! Tanji is a predatory beastie. I just loved the older post of the plovers leading T away from their nest.
Lots of practice with Da Bird.
I'll ask Pam, the wildlife biologist, if she recognizes the bird. Birds are her "specialty".
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