Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Uschi had an "Uschident" in his cat wheel.

We tried to clean it inside but it didn't work so well,... So,

Uschi leads his wheel outside,...



What is that doing out side?

That water is interesting,...

Not that interesting however,...

One final rinse,...

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Freya's Staff said...

My mind boggles at the thought of an Uschident!
Did he scent it for some reason, or exert himsef too much by accident??

bengalgirl said...

Unfortunately our bengal Lacey had MANY accidents in her wheel, enough that we finally sold it. We checked with a cat behaviorist and she thought Lacey might be a type of adrenalin junkie and would get it going soooo fast and then get scared and "go". I have other bengal people tell me the same with their bengal, just depends on the cat I guess.

Tanj,Uschi&Vladi said...

There have been several cases of messy POO-schidents in the wheel. Some have required hosing down and scrubbing,...

Ahhh Bengals,... >;-)