Thursday, November 13, 2008

Junk In The Trunk

The boys have been inside for two days because
it has been raining and we have been busy at work.
So today, when we went out, the boys had some
"junk in their trunks" to burn off.

The sky was dark with clouds rolling across the sky, making
it too dark for a fast shutter speed, but I just had to
include some of the blurry pictures.

They streaked across the yard,...

T hit U and flipped,...
(this was with a 300mm lens as they were far away)

T exposed U's soft under-belly.

HEY !!!

U escaped,...

Tired,... but still running hard

with T chomping at his heels,...

T soon wrapped up U's hind legs,...

U kicked back, but T lunged,...

Take-Down !!

U wasn't happy about the continued assault,...

Tanji was really getting wound up,...

It is very hard for him to disengage,
so Lesley stepped in,...


T watched as

U ran to a "safe" distance,...

As soon as Les put T down
he shot after U.

and slammed him,...

"GRRRREeeerRRErrrr !!! "

"TANJI !!"

"What The,...?"

Vladi finally arrived on the scene, all fluffy,...

"What did I miss?"

"What is going on Uschi?"

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor, poor Uschi! You and Vladi together could never satisfy Tanji's urge to chase and tackle. (Sorry, Usch, but I especially looooved the seventh photo where your tongue is out and the ninth photo where Tanj is at the point of take-down, with his maniacal mouth.)(And thanks, Vladi, for fluffing up.)