Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh No, Another Cat!

For weeks I have been spotting another cat on the south side of the property, like a little gray bobcat lying in the sun, then disappearing whenever we get too close.  Tonight Tanji started howling in the kennel and came running in, meowing insistently that something was outside.  I checked our perimeter, but all I found was Katy the calico who lived here before us, sleeps in the wellhouse, and shows up for dinner every night.  The boys are used to her and only occasionally hiss and yowl when she shows up.  Tanji was still upset about something, so I put Katy's food where I could see it from the cat window and watched what happened...

 Katy went right for the food bowl and ate for a few minutes,
then walked away...

 ...and there was the gray fluffy cat, calm as can be, munching the rest.

Vladi watched with me.

 Meowme, do you see this?

Well he/she is pretty, but who told Katy she could bring a friend?


silvia said...

cat dating ;-)
maybe V-boy started dating him/her when he went over the fence?

Bonnie said...

Oh, yes, a very handsome beastie. That is a world-class ruff!

Tanj,Uschi&Vladi said...

Well, this morning I found a dead shrew "gift" brought in from the kennel, and placed right under the cat window. So one of the boys may think he has a new friend (bet its Vladi).

Unknown said...

My indoor-only, fixed girls "date" all the neighborhood cats. Their boyfriends all come to the back door-length window to visit.