Friday, April 06, 2007


Our Koopa original (Untitled #2, 7504-02, 8/13/03)
was sitting proudly next to the boys wheel
when all of a sudden, our Bengal original,

decided to look behind the painting.

Uschi got more than he bargained for, as

"Koopa" flattened him.

Uschi plays innocent,...
and looks at some of the other paintings.

But soon reveals his guilt, by

attacking the hanging wire.

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Daisy said...

Oh, Ushi, not the Koopa! That turtle worked long and hard to create such a masterpiece.

Emma's Kat said...

Hehee, the Koopa attacked Ushi! You gave it a piece of your mind though, didn't you, puttin' the bitey on the hanging wire. ;)

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh how disasterous, that painting attacked you. Well well. I would certainly place the bitey on! Have a great weekend you beautiful Kitty Cats!

Anonymous said...

See, Ushi turned something bad into a positive: 1. He played the "innocent" flawlessly and 2. Every item ultimately is a Cat's Plaything...
Great job, Ushi!