Monday, October 15, 2007

Uschi's Vole "Dance"

It has been a good year for vole, mole, field mouse, and shrew populations in our yard, even though Uschi has gotten very good at catching the little guys. We usually get to him before they are more than licked and he really seems to know we don't want him to hurt them, because he often freezes and drops them when we tell him to. The little guys then scurry off into one of the many vermin holes, much to Uschi's surprise.

Uschi stalks a rose patch,...

I was busy watching Vladi and didn't intercept Uschi and his catch. Before I knew it the vole was no longer with us so I decided to let Uschi play with his "toy."

Warning, the vole is now dead.

Usch got all happy and started purring loudly,...

Yea !!! Dad said I could play with you,...

The vole was launched into the air,...

pat, pat, pat,...

Super Vole,...

pat, pat, pat,...


there it goes again,...

it almost got away,...

pat, pat, pat,...

it flew this way,...

and that way,...

then Uschi caught it,...

and dove after it,... before

it flew again,...

a few more pats,... and

Uschi lost interest in the Vole.

some grass to get the flavor of Vole out of my mouth.

Then it was

off in search of

more voles ?

But the sun was setting, so

Uschi posed as,...

the sun went down behind the Coastal Mountains.

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Anonymous said...

I've had this quote from somewhere on the net for years, Uschi reminded me of it.

"Kitten: small homicidal muffin on legs; affects human sensibilities to the point of endowing the most wanton and ruthless acts of destruction with near-mythical overtones of cuteness. Not recommended for beginners. Get at least two."

Anonymous said...

Big Marble Hunter Uschi! So handsome and athletic. Some people will flinch at the "toy", but he was just doing what is natural for a cat. Sometimes nature offends us humans, but more often we are the offenders.
What a beautiful picture of the the sunset over the mountains. What a great place you have.
Kinny, Tessa and Abby

Starbuck and Torrey said...

Uschi is certainly an amazing cat! And he looks like he had lots, and lots of fun! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I've just been reading that cats can catch fatal diseases from vole bites. There's a whole article on it in the new Your Cat magazine. We maybe need to be a bit more careful. :(

Tanj,Uschi&Vladi said...

Yes, there are lots of pathogens out there. We try to stop the boys from eating the little catches, but there are even many pathogens on the surface of the little guys.