Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tanji's New Room

After all this time,

Tanji spotted

the two triangular openings
above the door into the well-house.

Coil, coil, coil,...


Wow, what is this ?,...

I'm going in,...

Hey, what is going on in there,... ?

Can I come in too?

Who was that?

There isn't enough space in here for anyone else,...

Tanji came all the way out,...

quickly turned to peek back inside,

then tried the other "window."

I like it in here,
it is dark and damp.

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Pam said...

Tanji has a new clubhouse. He'll have to post a sign that says "Boys Only. No Girls allowed! (except Mom, of course)"
Kinny, Tessa and Abby

Anonymous said...

that's so funny ! and what a looong lean guy Tanji is. he can almost stretch his way in.