Happy Thanksgiving from Newport Oregon!
Another beautiful day on the coast.

A final lap around the beach and its time to...

A final lap around the beach and its time to...
for the traditional festivities and feast.
Its gorgeous in the valley, so we all head out for a walk.
The boys tell us Katy is hiding under the shed, no worries,
we have plenty of dinner for everyone.
Even a stray hummingbird gets its own can full of sugar water.
O.K. Uschi, you're heading home to eat some turkey, so
the grown-ups can head out to dinner with Grand-Meow.
All dressed up and ready to party.
Hours later after feasting...
The whole family, including Digby and friends, may have
overdone it a bit. Naps for everyone!
overdone it a bit. Naps for everyone!