Thursday, June 30, 2011


Looking for a way into the well house.


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sleeping Beauties

Tanjiro happily napping,...

Next to Lesley.

A few day later,...

T was curled up next to Lesley,...

Before getting comfortable,...

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Carrying Uschi,...

Pictures from earlier this spring,...


Settling into Uschi's favorite "riding" position,...

Don't judge me,...


I feel funny,...

I think you are leaning into your dad too,...

What was that,...?

This is kind of pathetic,...
(U likes to lounge when riding)

I can't control my toes,...


Knead, knead, knead,...

DAAaaaaadddd,... Where are we going?

Knead, knead,...

Wait a minute,... I don't like the sound of this,...

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Chair With a View

We have chairs sprinkled all over,
the idea was to have places to sit and enjoy the views,
and all three Bengal brothers do just that.

Vladi approaches a chair in the South-West.


A quick sniff to identify other visitors.

And then its time to sit.

Ant then lie down.

The bees buzzing on the clover flowers are impossible to ignore.

Pat, pat, pat.

Oops, someone oozed out of the chair by mistake.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Path Taken

Summer has finally arrived with sunny days,
and the boys are exploring the shaded wooded paths.

The purple lupines are already fading into seed
replaced by the flowering grasses.

Vladi steadily walks along,

Stopping to watch the birds and bees,

And then heading on to new adventures.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us

Yesterday was "my" birthday, but of course
that really means gifts for all the boys of the house...

Cake for Vladi...

A new blanket for Tanji...

Happy Brithday Paw

...And a cat night light for Uschi.

Mush, mush, mush.

This lights up Uschi's wheel, litterbox, scratching post,
scratching boxes, pom-pom toy, and Vera Bradley nest.

Enough of that, more cake, please.

Happy Birthday to Us!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Clean Sheets

Our freshly laundered sheets seem to have been "enhanced"
by a bad Bengal kitty...

Was it you, Uschi?

Whatever, I'm outta here.

Hmm, it may have been Tanji.

The mud artist is admiring his latest work.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Be Very, Very Quiet!

Sometimes when Uschi is sound asleep,
Vladi wakes him up to be licked and coddled like the little kitten he is.
This usually doesn't go over very well with Uschi.

Vladi has figured out that if he is really, really quiet,
Uschi will settle back to sleep instead of running away.

And here Vladi is...
wide awake and happy just to be close to his big brother.

Uschi may like it a little too.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tanji Hunting Voles

Early Spring stalking in the stalks of last years lupines,...

T-Grrr hunting,...


Oooo this looks promising,...



Ooo that is a juicy one,...
(no longer with us)

Pat, pat, pat,...

Woooo Hoooo !!!

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