Monday, February 28, 2011

Vera Bradley

Uschi looooves to sleep on Vera Bradley quilted products,...

His main place to sleep is on Lesley's computer bag


Lesley got him a Vera Bradley place-mat off eBay.
(I guess you really can buy anything on eBay)

Uschi happily curled right up on his very own V.B.


The baby-cat arrived,...

What do you want??

Maybe if I lick him,...
(That never works)

Daaaad,... mom got this for meee,...

Note - V may look like he is about to lick Uooie,...
BUT,... he never licks his brothers.


All is well with Uschi's world.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Academy Awards

Tonight were the 83rd Academy Awards,...

And like millions of households around the world,...

The boys fell asleep.

V held out the longest, but eventually was out.

Tanji settled down early,... and

Uschi is ready to accept his Oscar.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Uoo In The Snow

Our recent snow has pretty much melted in the valley but
is still hanging in there at higher elevations.

Mary's Peak is still snowy
note the recent clear-cutting at the base!! >;-(

Some more Uschi pictures from our snow day,...
Whatcha' doin' Uschi?


Nice tree climbing,...

I've got this tree,...
(U that isn't as impressive as V's tree climbing,...)

Fine then,...


I can climb trees, dad always picks on meee,...
grumble, grumble, grumble,..

Ooooo,... vole,...

This snow is a little deep,...

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Roof Inspector

Yesterday, Uschi was excitedly running around
in the snow, and ended up

Climbing onto the roof.

This is kind of slippery,...

Up and over,...

Whoaaa, there,...

My toes are slipping,...

Careful now,...

Almost to the ridge,...

Aaaaa, that is better,...

I'm on my way down,...


I'm ready to be rescued,...

Leaning into the hand,...

I'm a little stressed up here,...

Nooo, don't go away,...

DAAAAAD,... this isn't funny, don't leave me up here,...

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Random Snow Day

We don't often get snow in the Willamette Valley,...

But when we do,... the boys get up early and sound
the "you have to see what is outside" alarm,...
unfortunately we couldn't take them out first thing.

We rushed back home to get the boys out before
the snow melted completely away.



Vladi is off,... and


Tanji cruised all around,...

and was spotted happily bounding in the field.

Uschi charged out of the gate,...

What a "special" boy who inspects the slippery roof,... before

Heading for greener pastures.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This Can't Be Good

T-grr investigates closer,...


What are you boys up to?

Les, saves a vermin.

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