Even though we had been away for a few days, the boys
had been taken care of by someone they knew (thanks Evan!),
so they were in high spirits when we arrived home...

C'mon, its time for presents from Grandmeow!

I've got this one!

Opening boxes is serious business.

Ribbon, please.

Poor Vladi always gets decorated.

There better be something for me.

Perfect, this is mine!

Uschi's best present is some time with his Daaaaddddd
(he's giving me a loving look).

Look Vladi, this one has your name on it!

Its not just the boys having fun.

If this is a tube top, I think its too big.

Yes, very funny.

A gift tag makes the perfect sized toy...

...So does a scrap of wrapping paper.
We have "Elf" playing in the background.
In Las Vegas we watched Miracle of 34th Street
and Its a Wonderful Life.

All of the Christmas excitement has degenerated into a wrestling match.

The boys are getting tired, its been a big day.
We'll save the presents from their other Grandmeow for later.