Monday, January 31, 2011

V In A Tree

V launched

Into an oak,...

"I'm gonna get the baby-cat..."
(this is the cue for him to run)

"I'm going to get you,..."


V zoooomed,...

Pretended to be a squirrel,...
(moving horizontally and vertically around the tree)

Before he found a new "safe spot"
in the crotch of another oak.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


T-grr out cruising.

The approach,...

The landing,...

The "greeting"
(this is MY nip)

Lanky Tanji

Off on a new adventure.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Don't Push It,...

Where are my boys?
(sporting Katwise & two Solid Swank stars)

There is one,...

You need to be very quiet when approaching a wild Uschi,...

A gentle pet,...

But not too much,...
you don't want to over stay your welcome.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Uneven Seating

This bed feels funny.

What? ... I'm stretching my abs,...

Silly bengal.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rescue Me

Today I heard

Uschi talking in the woods,...

I figured I should investigate,...
(since the boys love to climb trees)

He had climbed an old favorite tree,...

One with a good horizontal watching-out branch
about 9 feet off the ground.

Whoa, this is pretty high,...

Headed down,...

Nope,... that was stressful,... maybe some lounging,...

This branch needs some more affection,...

One more attempt,...

Shimmy, shimmy,... this is scary,...

Come on Uschi, a little further,...


He lept from the tree,...

Onto my shoulder,... With a big heavy thud,...
Where he stood and kneaded for a few moments,...

He has never done that before,...
usually he slides down by himself,
or far enough for me to reach him.

Then it was off on another adventure.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Tanji wanted to have a Vole Dancing blog too,

but, even with such an effort,

he didn't get a vole.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uschi's Spring Vole Dance

We are experiencing a few spring like days,...

Super Uschi,...
(super vole way up in the corner)

Caught a big vole today, and

The vole dance was on.


Pat, pat,...

Super vole

Swing your partner,... and

Let them go.

Woooo Hoooo.

I love my vole,...

Don't you do it Uschi,...

Lets dance,...


Oh no Uschi, Meowme is on her way,...


Hi, meowme, my vole and I were just dancing,...

Did you see me?,... I've got some good moves,...

That was yummy too.

I worked up a good appetite, dinner time.

Uschi did not get to eat the vole, it was donated
to some less fortunate outside animal(s).

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