Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In the Weeds

HI All,... We have been TOTALLY in the weeds for eight-plus weeks at work. We have been going every single waking hour, seven days a week on laboratory room remodels and a complete re-design of our course. I have never, ever been this busy in my entire life.

Our boys have been neglected (they have been waking us before the sun comes up and we leave and don't return until dark) and the blog has also been neglected,... even though we have been attempting to cover with archived pictures (we haven't had green grass in months).

We will get back on track soon, we hope,... >;-)

Vladi enjoys time "outside" (in his kennel)

You know this isn't really what I meant by going outside,...

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vladi Grazing



Grass tickles,...

alaaa, la, la, allllaaaa


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Monday, September 19, 2011

U On The Car


Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,...



That finger could be petting me,...

Walking on glass.

Sun-lit swirls,...


This antenna likes me,...

Fur-seal belly spots,...

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Special Uschi

Lesley put a note on her mirror,...

What is that?

Hmmm? That doesn't belong there,...


Wooo Hooo - super-note,...

Wait a minute, how did you get back there?

Sniff, sniff, sniff,...

Pat, pat, pat,...
Pat, pat,...
Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat...
Pat, pat, pat,...

Aaack-help,... a handsome cat is attacking me,...

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Vladi's Friends,...

Vladi has a friend,...

A doe,...

What are you saying? I have lots of friends,...

What, are there more friends coming to visit mee,...?

Two fawns,...

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

U In The Bike Shed

Whatcha' doing U?

Oh, nothing,...

Pouncing on dangling heart rate monitors is fun,...
(makes dad "talk" to me)

Yes dad,... did you say something?

Did you want to see my belly?

Headed under the shed,...

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

T Sighting

Tanji gets fewer blog postings because he is often off on his own,...

T-grrrs cruises by to check on things,...

Oh no, they spotted me,...

Looking guilty of something in the shed,...

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vole Dancing

Woooo Hooooo

I love dancing with my voles,...
(the vole was long gone)

Super vole,...

Swing your partner,...


U finally brought me the vole,...

Hey, that is my vole,... lets play fetch,...



Super Vole,...

(came back to me)

I know "he" is back there,...

Oh no, Vladi is approaching,...

Oooo, does the vole want to play with me too?


U was off to continue the fun.

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