Friday, June 18, 2010

Forest Gump

I often call Vladi "Gump"

He is happy-go-lucky and has simple needs;
play, food, pets, lots of naps,...


I'm way up in this tree,...

This is the highest we have seen him climb,...

Gump happily sat on a branch.

Okay, time to head down,...

Backing down,...

About here, he started to growl,...
I think he was getting tired.
Finally, I was able to grab him and
put him on the ground.

After a few seconds his tail started wagging
and the search was on for his next adventure.

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1 comment:

MainecoonMa said...

Wow he really got high huh, thought the fire dept was gonna have to be called out LOL! Our baby cats must be related cuz Maizee too is sorta 'Gumpish' and I call her dopey (term of endearment). Only SHE would get locked in the recliner side of the sofa (not once, but twice!) overnight and come out going "YAY!" She has also been locked in the cedar closet overnight, also came out w/the YAY attitude. Just makes for more content cats huh? Gotta love our mentally challenged cats hehe