Saturday, May 12, 2012

Vladi and the Ducks

Even though we woke up still feeling pretty icky today,
it was a gorgeous cool and sunny Saturday morning,
so we took the boys out.

There was a lot of sitting in small, shady, spots...



Of course we still were camera-ready for action.

Vladi was sprinkling his way across the lupine patch,
heading for the duck pond, which just happens to
be occupied in the early morning hours...

What the heck is over there?
Vladi may not have seen the ducks before, but
we have been admiring this pair for weeks.

After a good long stare, Vladi decides that
these ducks DEFINITELY want to be his friends.

(note the excited tail)

Splash.  The male is off the dock and into the water.
Not a good start.

Did you guys see that?  Awesome!

I better get closer so they can play with me...
Vladi is the eternal optimist.

That is close enough for the female, she's on the way in too...


Paddle, paddle, paddle.

Well, O.K. then, we'll play some more tomorrow. 
(and we will!)

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