"Uschi,... that box is pretty deep."
The holidays brought more boxes, than usual, to our home. The boys had a ball investigating their various shapes, sizes,
wrappings, and

Uschi likes to sit in/
on boxes and just hang out.

"I'm not sure about this box."
But when it gets flipped over,...

Tanji wants in,

and circles, testing the edge,...

squirms under/into the flipped box,
while U plays with a long lost
"Where did Tanji go?"

Usch runs around the boxed Tanj.
Soon T exits only to find

an excited Usch stalking him.

U pounces,...

and T loves it.
Finally, Uschi gets some box time,

but keeps an ever watchful eye out for Tanj

who is using another box as cover
for his next T-attack.
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