A little later Uschi
dives off the trail

But Tanj,...

leaving Uschi by the Eucalyptus tree

and gives a few cries,...

Only to find
Bengal Cat Brothers
Real Mouse Boyz Counter
Tanjiro 12
Uschi-Swirl 12
Vladimir 11
Unknown 15
Lavs 13
Lesley 6
All posts to this blog are
Copyrighted © 2006
Tanjiro, Uschi-Swirl & Vladimir
Hi--I'm wondering how you get them to stay with you and not wonder off.....we have to keep ours on a leash (we also live in a city.....where do you live it looks beautiful...I'd like to move someplace with more nature so they can romp like your boys!!). I found your site because I'm looking to buy/build a cat wheel like yours....fun!! My email is: saskiasmith1@yahoo.com if you care to reply. Thanks ! your boys are gorgeous by the way!!
Los Angeles--Boris (Chausie) and Picobello (Bengal)
i was also wondering how you get your cats to stay on the track with you and not run off to explore on their own/ how you get them to come back when called etc?
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