Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sq-Uschi Moouschi

Hiiiiii,... you could be petting me,....

Our little, independent, dignified Uschi-Swirl has become a large (some might call him "Sq-Uschi") bengal boy who completly loses control of himself when petties are at hand.

I'm right here...

Uschi begins to lose it,...

he kneads the perch,...

Then flops down and

makes "Uschi-squares",...

and rubs on the kennel mesh.

Back inside,...

he "struggles,"

kneading the air,...

poor abused Sq-Uschi.

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Anonymous said...

ooo yeaaah. the Senator loooooses it too with petsies.. and he loooves the belly rubs. i meant to ask you a while back, on one of the cuddle pics, it he likes you to blow in his nose? Hizzonnor comes up for kisses and then when you gently blow in his nose, comes even closer for more...
m a

Tanj,Uschi&Vladi said...

Neither of the boys do kisses, yet, and neither seem to like to be blown on, or held. Their mushiness is increasing rapidly right now so maybe it will just be a matter of time. >;-)

Anonymous said...

well, they're still youngsters, so i guess that's pretty normal.

water. yup. senator likes to have the door opened so he can dash out to the birdbath for a drink, then stand unter the patio table catching the drips on his tongue. and then back in, but not right away, wet, wet, wet.
he also runs in the shower when we're waiting for the warm water to finally arrive.

makes it easier when we bathe him!
m a